Healthy Landscapes, resilient communities
Healthy Landscapes, resilient communities
Healthy Landscapes, resilient communities
Healthy Landscapes, resilient communities
The ‘Alliance’ seeks to build capacity across the community to increase enthusiasm to achieve landscape-scale ecological restoration in order to arrest the decline of, and ultimately augment, biodiversity across the Moorabool, Leigh and Woady Yaloak catchments.
Reflecting the aspirations of and in partnership with our local member groups, we will develop and implement coordinated landscape - scale projects to protect and enhance our environment.
Through demonstrating and sharing practical science, we will build community expertise and knowledge to enable improved restoration effort; and by addressing community group skill deficit priorities we will help to build capacity and succession for groups to maintain momentum and viability.
In partnership with our stakeholders, we will coordinate practical research for our community to gain a better understanding of our biota, share restoration science to address landscape scale issues and enable better management of our natural environment.